Veal Farm Videos
In this 360° tour and other videos, you’ll tour a working Ontario veal farm and meet the farm family. You’ll learn what veal IS, how veal cattle are fed, how they’re cared for, and more.

360 Veal Farm
Welcome to a Canadian veal farm! If you’ve ever had questions about veal, then you definitely need to watch this. In this video, you’re going to learn all there is to know about veal: what veal IS, how veal cattle are fed, how they’re cared for, and more.

Caring for Veal
Veal farmers care a lot about their animals. In this video, you’ll see inside some veal cattle barns in Canada, and learn about how the farmer takes care of their animals to make sure they’re always healthy and comfortable.

Life of a Veal Farm Family
Have you ever met a veal farmer before? You’re about to! In this video, you’ll meet Brent and Kate, who are veal farmers. They’ll tell you what it’s like to live on a veal farm and why they chose to raise their family there.

The Real Deal About Veal
Have you ever had questions about veal, or veal farming in Canada? Then this video is for you. You’ll learn what some of the most prominent misconceptions are about Canadian veal and more importantly, you’ll learn the truth about raising commercial veal cattle.

What Veal Cattle Eat
There are many misconceptions about what veal cattle in Canada are fed. In this video, you’ll meet veal farmers Brent and Kate. They’ll explain what they feed their veal cattle and why they feed them that way.
Quick Facts:
- Veal cattle are part of a circular economy. Male cattle that can’t produce milk are raised for meat instead by farmers that specialize in raising veal.
- Ontario and Quebec are the largest Canadian producers of veal because they also have the greatest number of dairy farms.
- Holsteins are the most common breed of veal cattle.
- Veal cattle are raised in groups with other veal cattle of a similar size and age.
- Veal cattle are the second oldest animal we eat. Grain-fed veal weigh over 750lbs/340kgs when they go to market. Only beef cattle are older and heavier.
- Veal farmers work closely with their veterinarian to help keep their cattle healthy.
- The white huts you see while driving around in the country are used to house both female and male dairy animals during the first few weeks of life.
- Veal farmers feed balanced diets to their cattle that include corn, protein, vitamins, minerals and fibre.
- Veal cattle can either be milk-fed or grain-fed. Both diets offer optimum nutrition for the animals and never include growth promotants.
- A 600-pound veal animal will eat 15lbs/7kgs of grain a day and drink up to 8 gallons/30 litres of water a day. That’s the same as 14 boxes of cereal and 15 2-litre cartons of milk!