Turkey Farm Videos
In this 360 tour and other videos, you’ll tour a working Canadian turkey farm and meet the farm family. They’ll explain how they raise and care for their birds.

FarmFood360° – Virtual Reality Turkey Farm Tour
In this 360° video tour, you’ll get to see inside a working Canadian turkey farm and learn all about how turkeys are cared for, what they eat, where they live, and how Canadian turkey farmers care for their birds. You’ll see birds of different ages in two different types of barns and learn about the biosecurity and animal care protocols they follow.

What Turkeys Eat
Turkeys on Canadian turkey farms eat different diets (called rations) of food depending on their ages. In this video, you’ll learn about their diet of mixed grains, minerals and nutrients. They’ll also explain when a farmer might need to use antibiotics and about food safety protocols and withdrawal periods if birds do need medication. And, they’ll proudly attest to the fact that no Canadian turkeys are ever given added hormones. Did you know that’s actually been illegal for more than 50 years.

Life of a Turkey Farm Family
Meet Kathryn, Clair and their four daughters Carmyn, Sophia, Charlotte and Adele and hear about their farm family, life on their Canadian turkey farm, and the ways that the girls help their parents with chores.

Caring for Turkeys
In this video, Canadian turkey farmers Kathryn and Clair talk about the level of care and attention that goes into raising their flocks of turkeys. From housing to ventilation, biosecurity and nutrition, you’ll learn about it all here.

How Turkeys grow
A male turkey is called a Tom; a female turkey is called a Hen and young turkeys are called poults. On this Canadian family farm, they raise “Toms” which are used for further processing markets for some of the many turkey items you can find in your grocery store like ground turkey, turkey roll or turkey breast . This video will show what turkey barns look like and how birds are cared for at different ages of production. You’ll also learn about how important lighting, water systems, temperature and air flow are for the birds’ environment.
Quick Facts:
- Turkeys are grown year round in Canada. In total, there are just over 500 turkey farmers across the country.
- Turkeys raised for meat always roam freely around the barn. They’re housed in modern barns where temperature, humidity, light, and ventilation are carefully monitored to ensure that the birds stay healthy.
- Turkey barns are designed to provide birds with ample room to move about with easy access to water and feed. Most barns are insulated to help maintain a constant temperature.
- Turkeys are kept in barns where they are free to roam on floors covered with soft bedding materials like shavings or straw.
- No growth hormones are used in turkey production in Canada. In fact, they are illegal and have been for many years.
- Water and pelleted feeds made of grains such as wheat, corn and soybeans (similar in appearance to hamster food) are always available 24-7, so the birds can help themselves any time they want.
- Most turkey farmers put all their newly hatched turkey poults into the barn at the same time. This makes sense from both a logistics and disease prevention perspective, as typically the entire flock will be shipped to market on one day.